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Louisville United Methodist Church votes to Disaffiliate

The United Methodist Church has been at an impasse over human sexuality for years. In February 2019, the General Conference had a Special Session to clarify stances on the issue. The Traditional Plan was presented. This plan strengthened the church’s statements established in 1972 prohibiting homosexuality, defining biblical marriage as same-sex marriage, and barring the ordination of LGBTQ persons into clergy. The Traditional Plan received a 53% vote in favor and a 47% vote against, showing the divide within the United Methodists church (Source).

Following the General Conference, many bishops and regions made statements and stood in opposition. The Great Plains Conference, this region’s local conference, was included in the disagreement. In June 2019, the UMC Great Plains conference passed a resolution rejecting the Traditional Plan as “inconsistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ” and stated that they will “resist its implementation”. Furthermore, the Conference approved a resolution for $20,000 in grant funding to be given to churches that appoint LGBTQIA+ persons as leaders in the conference (Source).

At the General Conference meeting in February, a disaffiliation plan was passed providing guidelines for congregations to leave the United Methodist Church “for reasons of conscience” regarding issues of human sexuality. The disaffiliation plan allowed churches to leave the UMC denomination either for moral conscious disagreement about the local annual conference’s vote opposing the General Conference, or; Moral conscious disagreement about the General Conference’s strengthening of the “Traditional Plan” (Source).

On March 13, 2022, members of the Louisville United Methodist Church voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church following the “Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace Through Separation”. The disaffiliation vote was on moral conscious disagreement with the Great Plains annual conference’s vote opposing the General Conference’s Traditional Plan. To disaffiliate, several steps were followed to ensure the majority of Louisville UMC’s professing members were present and in agreement.

The Louisville United Methodist Church officially disaffiliated on July 1, 2022 and is now the Louisville Community Church. The Louisville Community Church is a nondenominational church that believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news; Jesus Christ is Lord and savior; Truth is taught in the Bible; and that the Bible is central to every aspect of the Christian life. Through the help of the community, volunteers and church family, Louisville Community Church aspires to share the gospel and welcome visitors into the historic building at 602 Buchanan Street in Louisville, KS for worship, bible study and fellowship events. Everyone is invited to Sunday service at 9 AM with coffee and treats at 10 AM.

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